Safety is one of the core values of our Company. We value safety because we value our employees. A strong focus on safety is vital to ensuring the well-being of our employees, the trust and satisfaction of our clients and the success of our projects and J4 Development as a whole. We take our responsibilities for a safe work environment seriously and are uncompromising in our commitment to prevent work related injuries and accidents and I believe this is shown through our safety training, tools and programs.
As our Company continues to grow and change our safety program is ever evolving to meet the needs of our changing workforce and work environment. One of the unique challenges that we face is the reality that most of our work is performed on client job sites often under the supervision of a client’s representative so in many cases we do not have complete control of the job site and/or work environment. We have managed this challenge by partnering with our sub-contractors and giving them a clear set of safety expectations that they must buy in to in order to work for J4, this includes weekly, documented safety meetings with all job site employees. We expect all of our work sites to be environments where employees are willing to, and understand the importance of, safety activities and feel that they can provide feedback to their co-workers and the Company.
I am confident that our strong commitment to safety and safety programs is one of the factors that has contributed to our rapid growth over the last few years.
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